Gaga is not Badbad

May 25, 2011 at 8:45 am (Random Thoughts)

Okay, first of all–the new update here on WordPress? Totally not a fan. (Really. Might kick me back onto Tumblr pretty soon.) Anyhoozles…

Now, onto more important things–Lady Gaga. On Monday her album/Disc/compilation of current digital downloads released, and on the Saturday before that, she was the musical guest on Saturday Night Live. Now, up until this point, I’ve enjoyed some Gaga, but it wasn’t until I saw her perform (both musically and in sketch comedy) and heard about how she was totally anti-diva that I decided I had become a Little Monster and was now a fan.

So all of this leads me to some of the kerfuffle about Gaga’s ‘Born This Way’ and how some are saying it’s ripping off Madonna’s ‘Express Yourself’ and cry Foul, foul! and the greatest, most heated debate since New Coke stirs up again. Seriously–I’ve counted 2 such kerfuffles since that song released, and I’m expecting more with the album release this week.

Here’s what I think: Yes, there are some similarties between the two songs, but people, let’s keep this in mind–odds are that Gaga listened to a lot of Madonna when she was growing up (and, to be fair, not all of Madonna’s songs are sterling examples of individuality, as excellent as she is) and that kind of stuff sinks into your head, your soul, your molecular bits. And I believe, just as in any creative endeavor, that the statistics are simply too overwhelming to allow every creative person not to step on toes of every other creative person. There are only so many combinations of words, notes, colors and images–some overlap is bound to occur. I myself had a two or three line scene for one of my books that was so unique, so special, that I felt like I had discovered a new element. Then one day a year or so ago, I read an excerpt from an author who I’d only read once before and she had that same image in her book.

Yes, my head exploded.

But that makes my point for me. Call it your subconscious, call it your influences, call it sheer luck of the numbers, and you’re going to get this. We all are. I say Gaga did nothing wrong, and from what I understand, Madge’s camp is saying the same thing. If she’s not pissed, why should anybody else be? It’s a wonderful song with a gorgeous message and let’s just worship at the dancing feet of Mother Monster for just a few moments. 

Consider my paws up.

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This Monkey Typed Shakespeare

May 13, 2011 at 12:10 pm (Events, Virtual Gems)


Hi! Yes, I’m still alive (which you knew because you check me out on Twitter or Facebook, right? Right? *wink wink*)  So anyhoozles, I promise to get something like an update post here soon (maybe with some awesome pictures of pancakes), but I had to tell you what happened to me this week first.

So I’m at work on Monday, dressed very nicely in a patterned white, button-down shirt, navy slacks and navy heels. Tres office chic, no? A little before lunch, I’m craving a little something fizzy and caffeine-y, so decide to go to the small store across the street and get my infusion of diet Dr. Pepper. Rather than take my big bag o’purse, I grab a couple of bills and start to stick them in my pocket. But as the bills don’t get tucked away anywhere, I’m realizing my slacks are sans pockets, tiny decorative ones or otherwise. Specifically, I think, “Hey. These pants don’t have pockets.”

The thought cracks me up so much–really, I’m my own best audience–that I instantly decide to tweet that very thought. See? 

So I get my frosty beverage, eat lunch, work, yanno–daily things. A little later I notice that I was getting some rather odd responses to my tweet. By men. By men I don’t know and who do not follow me. Responses like:

  • Seriously? Without pockets, what’s the use of clothes at all?
  • Better than the other way around.
  • What, you mean pockets without pants? That’s what I have.
  • Check your shirt. Is it red?
  • “Hey, these pants don’t have pockets.” ~Commander Wil Ryker

And with those last two comments,  I think I’m starting to understand. Somehow I’ve stumbled into a Star Trek: The Next Generation reference. I tried to google it and came up with something kinda close, but am still having a general WTF moment. I pass it off until the next day, when I think to hit the button that shows retweets. Needless to say I was gobsmacked when I saw my innocent little post had been retweeted by the one and only Jane Espenson.

Yes, I had a moment. Several, in fact. However, rather than own up to my savaant-like tweet, I simply sat back, enjoyed my brief brush with Jane, and reflected on what I had learned.

  1. Post what you want to, not what you think is going to gain you retweets and followers. As soon as you stop trying so hard is when you hit it out of the park.
  2. It’s true. Sit a monkey in front of a typewriter long enough and he’s going to spit out Shakespeare.

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